Synthesizer Features

Velocity Sensitivity

Velocity sensitivity in a synthesizer refers to the ability of the instrument to respond to the speed at which a key is struck. A key strike’s velocity is frequently expressed in MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) values, which range from 0-127. A velocity-sensitive synthesizer’s corresponding MIDI value will be lower when a key is played softly and higher when the key is played harder.

A velocity-sensitive synthesizer can use this knowledge to modify the sound’s volume, timbre, and attack. When a velocity-sensitive synthesizer is used to control the volume, pressing a key lightly will produce a quieter sound, while pressing it firmly will make a louder sound. As a result, playing can be more expressive, and the instrument may appear more lively and responsive to the player’s touch.

Electronic keyboards and synthesizers frequently have velocity sensitivity, and most professional-grade MIDI controllers come equipped with it as standard. It can play a significant role in a synth’s expressive potential by granting the user greater control over the dynamics and articulation of the sound.

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